
Funds allocation & distribution: find here how the Winkies are used by Mainbot, and how we plan to redistribute them

Funds allocation


Airdrops & Bounty* : Over the next 5 years, we plan to airdrop a few NFTs and the Winkies tokens every month to incentivize people to spread the word about The Winkyverse and the Winkies. We consider it to be one of the most efficient way to grow our community.

PR & Marketing** : We are planning to invest massively in PR, Marketing and Advertising in order to maximize the Winkies tokens value. Besides we will also offer the Winkies tokens (vested) to influencers and KOL from all over the world to get widespread media coverage.

Games Editors & Partnerships*** : the Winkies tokens (vested) will also be used to reward games developers who create content for The Winkyverse. As we get more content and games available, the number of users of The Winkyverse will grow along with the demand for the Winkies tokens.

Last updated